Preliminary exercise learner response

 1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class.

WWW: Editing match on action, mise-en-scene clothing, camera movement, close ups.

EBI: Avoid titles, sound of wind, setting more urban, audio fade.

2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write three WWW bullet points and three EBI bullet points for your work.

WWW: Variety of camera shots, non-diegetic sound, panning establishing shot.
EBI: Keep landscape throughout, fade music, change setting.

3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your mini preliminary exercise statement of intent?

I think i effectively completed the objective that i laid out in my mini preliminary exercise.

4) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project?

I have learnt how to edit well and that i should keep filming landscape instead of switching it midway. I also learnt that having bad quality videos and sound of the wind or birds in the background make your production seem unprofessional. 

5) Now you have completed the preliminary exercise, will you change anything about your actual coursework video plan? This could include your concept, cast/actors and narrative or technical elements such as mise-en-scene, camerawork or editing.

I and going to change the setting, my protagonist due to some issues and i'm going to change a few camera shots so that i can add a variety of more and make it look a bit more professional. 


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